Help speed up the Ag Park construction timeline!
Adam Saunders, Campaign Director, outlines the opportunity to add critical items to the first phase of construction at the Agriculture Park. Your pledge of support is needed to ensure that we maximize the progress at the park this season.
By Adam Saunders, Campaign Director
The Agriculture Park is prepped to make some MAJOR progress in the 2018 construction season! Last week we received bids for phase one of the Agriculture Park. Our project team is currently in the process of selecting the winning bidder. Eight contractors submitted bids and one bid in particular stands out, it is from a qualified local group and has the lowest price with a reasonable timeline.
The contractors provided us with prices for a large “base” project scope and three smaller, optional add-ons, or “alternates”, that could be added to the scope of work this season. The base includes all sitework, grading, utilities, stormwater, concrete for the MU Health Care Pavilion, the middle portion of the Pavilion, restrooms, and plaza. The three alternates are: sidewalls for the winter CFM market, CCUA’s barn/greenhouse, and additional customer/ARC parking.
We are within striking distance of securing the base bid and two of the three alternates, but NEED your help to close the small funding gap. We need to secure approximately $300,000 in new pledges and donations before April 26th in order to maximize the construction that will occur in 2018. Since we identified this funding goal last week, we have secured $52,100 in new pledges and donations; over 1/6th of the way there! We’ll do our best to share the progress toward this goal, but need your donations and pledges to help us close this short term gap.
Please consider making a pledge or donation to help ensure that the maximum amount of work on the Ag Park can be completed this year. You can make a pledge online at Also feel free to contact campaign director Adam Saunders at 573-356-9392 or to talk further about the project and naming recognition opportunities at the Agriculture Park.
Thank you for your consideration,